
Mobile Payment Tutorial: How to Add Product or Service in SalesVu iPad POS System

Hello, welcome to the SalesVu Point of Sale and Mobile Payment Management Portal. Today I will show you how to create a new product and how to sync it to all your mobile devices. After you click on the “Products and Services” icon from the homepage, click the Add button here. Enter a name for the product, you can choose to add a description, you can select a category for the new product. You may type it in manually or you may select from a list of those you’ve already created. Then input the selling price. Next, you select the tax bracket the product falls under. You can either select from existing tax brackets or add new ones. You can choose to have SalesVu automatically update your inventory whenever this product is sold by checking this box. This will take you back to the categories and products screen, which will now display your newly created product. All changes from the management portal will automatically sync with your mobile devices every five minutes. You can also touch the “Sync with” button to force the update. Now let’s sell the product. When you create a new order, SalesVu will allow you to navigate your products and services by category or alphabetically. So now let’s add the product we just created to our new order where we can increase the quantity or delete the product. SalesVu allows us to track cash, credit card, check, and gift card transactions. Credit card transactions can be swiped or entered manually. For transactions without predefined products, SalesVu allows you to customize the transaction amount. Let’s close this order using a cash transaction either with exact amount of making change. Once the order is closed, we can easily email a receipt to the customer. Now that we have completed the order, let’s go back to the online portal where we can remotely monitor our sales in real time. Let’s go to the Orders tab to view the sale we just made. We can view orders from a specific time and date range, or use the quick pick tab to select a predefined time period. This screen allows us to either view the summary of the order or expand it to see the details. Now let’s go to the Reports tab where we can either create new reports or view predefined reports. One of the predefined reports is a line chart of our aggregated sales across all devices for the last 30 days. Another predefined report shows all the products sold today, with their quantity and sales amount. We can also see a bar graph of sales by categories, a table of all closed orders, or a pie chart showing our product mix. Thank you for viewing this instructional video, please check regularly for more SalesVu tutorials.

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