
SalesVu iPad POS System in the Zombie Capital of the World


House of the Dead (HD), the world’s only zombie-everything store, is located in Pittsburgh, the “Zombie Capital of the World.” HD thought it was time for Pittsburgh to have a zombie store to service residents’ obsession with the undead. They carry just about everything zombie-related that one could imagine, including: t-shirts and sweats, DVDs, movie poster, comics, books and graphic novels, toys and games, jewelry, artwork, Halloween decorations and makeup.


An iPad POS was important for HD for two reasons: first, it presented huge savings upfront by not having to purchase a traditional cash register and second, they frequently set up a mobile store at events.

“Having the ability to process sales at these events and see our entire inventory back at the store was a godsend,” said Stu Neft, co-owner of HD.

HD had never used an mPOS prior to adopting SalesVu. When looking into solutions they considered several different systems, including Intuit.

“We chose SalesVu POS System because of its initial low cost and ease of use,” said Neft. “SalesVu’s ease of use allowed us to be up and running a lot more quickly than if we would have had to learn a more complicated system.”

Neft approximated his upfront savings with SalesVu to be between $1,500-5,000. He also saves a significant amount of time bookkeeping thanks to SalesVu’s reporting feature.

“My favorite thing about SalesVu is actually how quickly Tech Support responds to questions,” said Neft.

If you love zombies as much as these guys, go to their website:, like their Facebook page or follow all things zombie on Twitter @pghhouseofthedead.


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