
Mobile Payment SquareUp: SalesVu Beats Square at PR Over Coffee

Hi I’m Dave Manzer founder of PR over Coffee. PR over Coffee is a monthly meet up, where we bring small businesses, and non-profits together to come and listen to news professionals from TV stations, from daily periodicals, from newspapers, magazines. Early on we were a fan of Square, but we quickly found out that that dongle is difficult to use and it always didn’t take the swipe from the credit card. So about two months ago, we ran across an iPhone and iPad POS application called SalesVu. Immediately took an interest to it and downloaded it very easily, actually it’s free from the itunes store. Immediately I could see value in SalesVu in helping us do our business better. What it allowed us to do is to begin to set up different customer categories. I could set up a price list and find the price point and it was ready for us to swipe. It also allows me to a convenient back end on the internet where I can access all the information and I can begin to find out sales information based on customers, based on inventory items, I can do all the tracking or reporting that I can possibly imagine. So I just can’t say enough about SalesVu. Now I have a much greater peace of mind when it comes to actually taking customer transactions and credit cards.

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