
District House Explains How SalesVu iPad POS System is Setting the Bar

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District House (DH) is an Oklahoma City coffee bar, deli and event center that hosts art and live bands on a regular basis. DH heard about SalesVu’s iPad POS from several businesses in the area that use it and “love it.”

“We had been using Square for our catered events and found that SalesVu was a much better option and that our employees loved the easy, intuitive design of SalesVu,” said DH Manager Joshua Cain.

“When looking around at options we looked at Square and our bank’s business system, but in talking with our business banker, she said that ‘our system can’t even begin to compete with SalesVu. We now have our IT guys looking into it and seeing what we can do to improve ours.’ She was blown away with how easy and cost effective it was. We had to go with SalesVu; no one could beat it or come close,” said Cain.

As a small business with a lot of space to cover, DH is able to use different mobile devices to manage the many events they host. With SalesVu, they can rearrange their space and having mobile sales stations makes it convenient and practical at events. They can use their iPad POS at the door for concerts or at the coffee cart during catered events.

“I’m able to add an artist and sell art on demand with the custom price option,” said Cain. “I love being able to see what we are doing in one report and manage my inventory based on the wide range of reporting and options that SalesVu offers; it makes my job as a manager easier and I take less time doing orders and tracking.”

Additionally, Cain likes that SalesVu is one of the only mPOS solutions that offers a time clock. He also says his employees find it easy and convenient to sign in on the computer, iPad, iPhone or other devices they have synced up.

“There is no way that District House could be so cost effective and run so smoothly without a simple and easy POS system like SalesVu,” said Cain. “We love it!”

If you’re interested in learning more about District House or going to one of their events, visit .

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