
SalesVu all-in-one business solution and iPad POS System helps freelancers reach their outmost potential

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Being a freelancer requires discipline, conviction and organization. Our SalesVu user Jamie Weaver is a perfect example of all of these qualities as she manages her own business as a personal beauty consultant. Jamie uses SalesVu all-in-one business solution to manage her operations, both for convenient payments and for inventory tracking. We talked to her about her experience with SalesVu and especially why she chose SalesVu:

“It was easier to keep track of my money. I have a personal account  associated with SalesVu, so all the payments received go directly to that account. Hence, I have the money right where I need it, to pay for products and the beauty supplies.  I also attend to festivals and outdoor fairs, on these places the credit card swipper is extremely useful. I have an android phone and I can put the credit card info manually or use the swipper without any problem. However, I want to get the new generation iPad so I can use the big swipper and provide a more comfortable payment experience to all of my clients. One thing I have to say is that, even when the swipper fails, SalesVu’s rates are still the same, a feature that is extremely different to all the other business solutions I am aware of”.

Jamie told us that among all the POS System competitors, SalesVu was the most suitable for her business requirements, especially considering that she needed an all-in-one business solution.

“The fact that SalesVu offers inventory management and a much lower credit card transaction rate were major influences in making the right choice.  Definitely, this was a big, big thing for me. Besides, square didn’t work half of the time. SalesVu is easier for taxes; I can separate things, for example, I can divide women services from men services and englobe everything even if it  is very specific (massages, facials, etc.)”

Jamie Told us about her favorite feature of SalesVu all-in-one business solution; for her, inventory management is extremely important since she needs to carry a very strict list of the ending beauty supplies. She told us:

” I need to know how much color I am using, SalesVu all-in-one business solution helps me get up to date with the supplies I use. With this, I can measure my return on investment. As a result, I can charge the client exactly what I use. I always put the charge per ounce and SalesVu helps me with that.”

She likes the fact that she can print the receipts which show the ones that were paid with cash, credit cards, or money orders. SalesVu all-in-one business solution helps Jamie and any of our users keep track of their clients.

“I now understand what they like to buy, I can see the previous purchases. I can type the client’s name and see the history of the things the clients buy or have bought in the past. I can go to the SalesVu app and see what products they use and which ones they really want because of it.”

Jamie told us that she would like to use the gift card feature SalesVu offers. If you want to have an appointment with a beauty specialist and get pampered by a top-of-the-line professional, like Jamie Weaver, visit her websites and be sure to book an appointment ASAP!


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