
Welcome to SalesVu, Joy Craft & Design

Who is Joy Craft & Design?

Joy Craft & Design (JCD), a curated shop in Springdale, Utah that specializes in upcycled, restyled and handcrafted items, has opted for SalesVu’s retail POS! The shop’s collection consists of items that Owner Joy Stein curates herself as well as some of her friends’ treasures to broaden the collection. Stein specializes in upcycling t-shirts into reverse applique skirts, felted soaps and decorative plate stands from tea sets and other found items. The community has added live plants, hand-printed cards, collaged art from vintage story books and zipper jewelry.

Why SalesVu?

As a first-time business owner, Stein had no previous experience with POS systems. She asked around her small community and found that other businesses, such as a local coffee shop and a guide service and outfitter, were using SalesVu. Stein also researched Square, PayPal, ShopKeep and traditional leasing equipment from the bank. Previously, she had used PayPal at craft fairs but preferred the SalesVu iPad POS pricing structure.

“I opted for SalesVu because it seemed on the whole easy to use and relatively straightforward,” said Stein. “I needed something that would give me reports, inventory and a credit card system.”

So far, Stein has found the inventory system and input easy to understand and is pleased with the deposit turnaround time.

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