
See How This Bookstore Emerged from the Stone Age into the Future with SalesVu iPad POS System

New Wine (NW) is a new and used Christian bookstore connected to New Song Worship Center.

NW discovered SalesVu when looking for a POS system that handled inventory and worked with an iPad or iPhone.

SalesVu saved the day for us,” said New Song Pastor David White. “At the time, everything was expensive and SalesVu was free and so easy! For me it was too good to be true.”

Prior to adopting SalesVu, they used Quickbooks but were forced to upgrade.

“The whole system was costly, glitchy and cumbersome,” said Pastor White of Quickbooks. “So glad to get rid of it! I feel like I have emerged from the Stone Age into the future!”

New Wine had also used Square and PayPal but was dissatisfied with inventory control. They chose SalesVu because it is free, handled inventory, worked with the iPad and was the perfect fit for credit card transactions.

“The swiper is great and perfect for accounting purposes,” said Pastor White. “Both Square and PayPal deduct money from each transaction but SalesVu deposits the full amount with a clean monthly billing and reconciliation; much more business savvy!”

New Wine needed an mPOS for ease of use and the ability to sell their products anywhere they go.

“Streamline, portable, very compact and light, instant setup and no limitations,” said Pastor White.

NW’s favorite thing about SalesVu’s iPad POS is the bluetooth barcode scanner connectivity, which makes transactions quick and customer friendly along with the credit card swiper for “incredibly efficient sales!”

“Our customers are very impressed by the ease and speed of the checkout process and love the hi-tech look and feel of the iPad, app, scanner and swiper package,” said Pastor White. “Also, the simplicity of adding and editing inventory and the way it’s displayed and accessed for transactionslove it!”

For more information, go to, like their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter @newsongwc.

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