
SalesVu iPad POS System beats other solutions at The Clay Purl

The Clay Purl (CP) is a small yarn and pottery shop in Nashville, Indiana. CP sells high quality yarns and supplies for fiber artists, offers classes and workshops and dyes their own yarns. Additionally, they carry Paul Hayes Pottery.

Owner Michele Hayes came across SalesVu while checking out different solutions. Previously, she was using a Sam’s Club cash register and spiral notebook as her POS system. She had just purchased an iPad, so an iPad POS seemed like the natural next move. Hayes said she was tired of the “un-understandable” fees being charged by the bank, so she thought to look into mobile options. While researching, she found another yarn shop that uses the SalesVu POS system, contacted them and was strongly advised to try it out.

“I wanted to spend the money on product, not software that would be out of date in a few months,” said Hayes.

An iPad POS became crucial for The Clay Purl as they plan on doing off-location sales in the future, are in need of inventory control and want to eventually offer products online.

“I wanted to get the big cash register off the counter,” said Hayes.

Between reviews, customer service, app features and recommendations, Hayes decided to adopt SalesVu’s retail POS.

“I love the simplicity; it is so easy to use,” said Hayes. “I love the reports and being able to look at them even if I am away from the shop!”

For more information on The Clay Purl, check out !

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